Want to know a secret to adding distance and lowering your scores? Are you going to the gym with a clear plan of how to get results while feeling great? If not, then know that doing nothing will not...
Change The Game Performance Therapy
Aahad Saroya
Rest Or Reps? Is Your Training Mindset Pushing You Closer To Injury?
“In a society that glorifies grinding, short-term gains and pushing to extremes, it takes guts to rest.” – Brad StulbergHit snooze? Or drag yourself out of bed for that workout? Rest or reps? We all...
Balancing Strength Training And Endurance Training
How Is Strength Training Included In My Training Without Hindering My Run Or Bike Performance? Strength training is beginning to find its place within the training protocols of more and more...
Golfers: Speed Training Is Making You Slower
Many golfers swing too fast for their own good. Add speed training on top of this for a golfer that is already swinging too fast and this will end up slowing them down because it will likely lead to...
Why Is Strength Training Important For Endurance Athletes?
Strength Training For Endurance Athletes Strength and conditioning is critical for success in any sport. Training needs to be developed to meet the unique demands of your specific sport and strength...
Keys To Being Injury Free, Stronger, More Resilient In 2022 – Physical Therapy And Strength Training
Here are a few tips for learning how to have a successful injury free off-season! 👇 Get strong. Be smart with how you’re getting strong so you don’t get injured. Don’t focus too much on passive...
The Breath & It’s Impact On Hip Mobility
Often not addressed is the dysfunctional breathing mechanics that people have on a daily basis. It influences your body’s physiology greatly. Short/shallow breaths up in the chest can lead to a lot...
Golfers: Are You Making Progress During Your Off Season?
If you haven’t started the right kind of training already now isn’t time to start. We offer 1 on 1 Physical Therapy and performance training , group training and online virtual training. Too often...
Hip Pain And Golf – Why Physical Therapy Is Important
Do you want to play with less pain, play more rounds, increase distance and enjoy your time playing with lower scores? Can your body handle the physical demands you’re asking from it? For example,...
More Speed & Power For Golf – Improve Your Golf Game With Golf Physical Therapy & Sports Performance
Have You Tried To Increase Your Clubhead Speed To Increase Your Distance Off The Tee? Have you tried overspeed training or power training exercises to get you there? What if your body can’t...
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