Did you know that October is National Ergonomics Month? Yup, ergonomics is such a big deal that it gets its own month! And being ergonomically correct is much more than having a fancy, curvy...
Change The Game Performance Therapy
3 Tips To Find The Right Clinician For You
It’s an all too common theme. You’re in pain or injured, so what’s the first step? We start asking for advice from “Dr. Google”, call upon our friends via social media, or try and find the quick fix...
Metabolic Testing: What You Really Need To Know (copy)
by Sara Stover When you think about cardio-metabolic testing, you might envision Lance Armstrong spinning away on a time-trial bike in a high-tech lab, while hooked up to a beeping machine that...
Quick Fix To Relieve Neck Pain
Has neck pain become a pain in the neck? Neck pain, tightness, and headaches are becoming common symptoms that physical therapists treat. A lot of these symptoms are perpetuated by our prolonged...
Your Daily Postural Fix
I used to think an emphasis on posture was overrated, until I saw this picture of myself… Picture Just look at that forward head position and round shoulders. Maybe it’s my long hair that’s weighing...
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