Change The Game Performance Therapy


The #1 Thing Missing In Physical Therapy And Sports Performance

July 31, 2023

If you’re reading this it’s probably because you’re dealing with pain or injury right now, or at least you have in the past. We’ve all been there and lived the frustrations of not being able to continue the sport or activity we love.

Four years ago Change The Game Performance Therapy was born out of necessity. We saw a void within the traditional rehab and fitness model, and our ultimate goal was to go out and change this.

We’ve identified that one of the huge limiting factors right now is ACCOUNTABILITY. This is a two sided coin. We find that clinicians, health care providers and even coaches have created this world of dependency for a lot of our clients and athletes. We find that people are being prescribed pain medications, surgeries, and solely hands-on modalities such as dry needling, spinal manipulation, scraping, cupping, etc. There’s also no shortage of different therapy tools on the market to try and bring this shotgun approach to getting you better. These are all short term solutions to “fix” your pain or injury. Honestly, that’s that’s just not going to cut it for the long run!

What’s missing from this equation? It’s pretty simple. Is your healthcare provider or coach really taking the time and investing in your health? Are they asking the tough questions about your sleep quality? How’s your nutrition? Are they actually looking at the movement that’s even causing you pain? Far too many times we see a runner that’s been dealing with knee pain for months, and we’re not even looking at a gait analysis. Maybe we’re dealing with a weightlifter that’s had low back pain with their deadlift for years, and no one’s taken the time to look at that.

With any athlete, whether you’re golfer, a runner, a weightlifter, a weekend warrior; someone should be actually taking the time to look at the things causing you pain. We’re not just providing quick hands on work to get you the result you’re after. We find that time and time again this doesn’t yield the long term result we set out to get. If you are currently finding that’s not the case, you’re probably in the wrong spot.

There is one other huge factor that we just don’t hear too much about. That’s accountability on you, the athlete. Are you taking the time to really investigate, why have I been dealing with this pain? Why is this injury continuing to hold me back from doing the things I enjoy? If you’ve been wasting time trying to get to the level you want to be, It’s time to change that. I

It’s time to take responsibility and ownership of your health. Find someone that can help you achieve your goals. All you need to do is be willing to make a change, take accountability, commit to the plan, and only then will we see that ultimate result we’re after.

At Change The Game Performance Therapy we provide a systematic approach to rehab and training. We take the time to assess movement and identify the root cause of your pain, provide short term relief to enhance movement through hands-on treatment, and most importantly educate you on improving your lifestyle and movement quality to yield long-term results.

If you’re a driven athlete here in Wilmington, North Carolina, we want to work with you. We’ll be with you every step of the way. Just Click this Link to talk to one of our health professionals.


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