Change The Game Performance Therapy


Boost Your Performance with Strength Training for Runners

January 15, 2024

Importance Of Strength Training For Runners

While running primarily targets cardiovascular endurance, neglecting strength training can hinder overall performance, especially for the endurance athlete. Strength training for runners enhances muscular strength, joint stability, and resilience, contributing to a well-rounded runner’s physique.

In this blog, we will unravel the various benefits and effective types of strength training exercises tailored to elevate the performance of endurance athletes.

How Strength Training Can Boost Performance

In a 2022 study, it was found that specific strength training for running improves important factors like running efficiency, anaerobic threshold, and VO2 max. These factors are widely used to measure running performance. Understanding the myriad advantages that strength training brings to runners is crucial.

Let’s delve into specific aspects that highlight the profound impact of the strength training program for runners.

Strong Muscles

Building and maintaining major muscle mass and core strength is essential for runners. Enhanced muscle strength provides better support to joints, improving overall running mechanics.

Improve Mental Health

Strength training for runners goes beyond the physical; it also benefits mental health. The discipline and focus required during a workout for runners can positively impact your mental well-being.

Boosts Confidence

Achieving strength milestones boosts confidence, translating into improved performance on the track. Knowing your body is strong and capable can be a mental edge during races, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your fitness program.

Decreased Risk of Injury

Strong muscles and joints are more resilient to injuries. Strength exercises are crucial for injury prevention, ensuring a consistent training routine and safeguarding against common running injuries.

Resistance Increases Metabolism

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue. Engaging in strength training helps build muscle, providing a boost to your metabolism and contributing to more effective weight management

Enhances Flexibility

Contrary to a common misconception, strength training enhances flexibility, promoting an improved range of motion. A balanced routine includes exercises that specifically target flexibility, reducing the risk of muscle imbalances.

Good Posture

A strong core and supporting muscles are essential for building strength and contribute to better posture. Maintaining proper posture while running enhances efficiency and reduces strain on the body.

Improve Your Bone Health

Weight-bearing strength training exercises positively impact bone density, which is crucial for long-term skeletal health, especially as a key exercise for runners prone to stress fractures. These exercises benefit individuals at various fitness levels, promoting overall well-being and resilience.

Improves Sleep

Regular exercise, including strength training, promotes better sleep. Quality rest is vital for recovery, allowing your body to adapt and grow stronger, ultimately enhancing your overall quality of life.

Types of Strength Training Beneficial for Runners

Drawing inspiration from reputable sources, such as the insights provided by Runner’s World in their article on strength training while increasing mileage, let’s explore specific types of exercises tailored to runners.

Considering the unique demands and challenges associated with increased mileage, these exercises have been curated to enhance your running performance.

Bodyweight Exercises

Squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body, bending your knees and hips, then return to the starting position.

Lunges: Step forward or backward, bending both knees to create two 90-degree angles, then return to the starting position.

Push-ups: Support your body with hands and toes, keeping a straight line, and lower and raise your body by bending your elbows.

Planks: Maintain a straight line from head to heels in a push-up position, engaging your core muscles.

Resistance Band Exercises

Leg press: Secure the band around a fixed point and press one leg backward against the band’s resistance.

Lateral leg raises: Attach the band to your ankle and lift your leg sideways against the band’s tension.

Seated rows: Sit with legs extended, attach the band, and pull it towards you while keeping your back straight.

Bicep curls: Step on the band with one foot and curl your arms upward against the band’s resistance.


Deadlifts: Lift a barbell or weights from the ground to a standing position, emphasizing hip and knee extension.

Bench press: Lie on a bench and lift a barbell or weights, extending your arms upward from chest level.

Overhead press: Lift weights from shoulder height to overhead, engaging the shoulder and arm muscles.

Kettlebell swings: Swing a kettlebell between your legs and up to shoulder height, emphasizing hip movement.

Single-Leg Exercises

Single-leg squats: Balance on one leg while squatting, engaging the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Step-ups: Step onto a platform or bench, alternating legs, and engaging the lower body muscles.

Bulgarian split squats: Step one foot backward onto a bench and squat with the front leg, targeting the quadriceps and glutes.

Sprint Training

Interval sprints improve cardiovascular fitness and serve as a valuable exercise for recreational runners by engaging different muscle groups, enhancing overall strength, and contributing to better running form.

Tips for Safe and Effective Strength Training

Engaging in strengthening exercises as recommended, ideally twice or more weekly. Ensuring your strength training routine is effective and safe is paramount for any runner.

Now, let’s break down these essential tips into actionable insights for a comprehensive understanding.

Warm-Up Adequately: Always warm up before diving into your workout routine, especially before engaging in simple strength exercises, to prepare your muscles and joints and reduce injury risk across your entire body.

Progress Gradually: Increase intensity and volume gradually in your regular strength training plan, incorporating functional movements with body weight or heavy weights to avoid overtraining and injuries.

Include Rest Days: Allow your body time to recover and adapt to the stress of functional strength training by incorporating rest days per week into your full-body workout routine. Ensure adequate rest to optimize the effectiveness of your workouts per week.

Proper Form is Key: Focus on good form during strength training sessions to prevent injuries and maximize effectiveness, especially when lifting heavier weights. Keep your core tight in exercises targeting the upper body.

Creating a Strength Training Routine with Change the Game Performance

Consider consulting with fitness professionals, especially those specialized in sports performance like Change the Game Performance, to tailor a strength training program that aligns with your running goals.

Ready to take your running performance to the next level? Start your personalized strength training journey today!


Strength training is a cornerstone for runners aiming to reach their full potential. Beyond the physical benefits, it positively influences mental resilience and overall well-being. By incorporating a well-rounded strength training routine, runners can enhance performance, prevent injuries, and experience the joy of running more efficiently. Understanding what is functional strength training becomes essential in achieving these holistic benefits.


Q1: How can I improve my strength training while running?
A1: Consistency is key. Incorporate strength training 2-3 times weekly, focusing on compound exercises and gradually increasing intensity.

Q2: How does strength training improve performance?
A2: Strength training enhances muscle strength, joint stability, and overall resilience, improving running economy, power, and efficiency.

Q3: What is the effect of strength training for runners?
A3: Engaging in the best strength training for runners yields increased muscular strength, reduces the risk of injuries, improves endurance, and enhances overall running performance.

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